New book by Ad Marginem x Masters: «The art of central and eastern Europe since 1950»
18 March, 2024
A new book is being published in the Ad Marginem x masters collection — «The Art of Central and Eastern Europe Since 1950» by Ruben and Maya Fawkes. This is the first general overview of avant-garde art from the countries of the «Soviet block». In the collection, the authors review the artistic trends of East Germany, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
The editors of The Gathering have the opportunity to publish an excerpt from the sixth chapter, which is dedicated to the 2000s, socio-political changes in Central and Eastern Europe and artists’ reflections on the new transnational reality.
The book is already available for pre-order.
This article is in Russian. Contact us via email if you would like to comment or request an English translation.
18 March, 2024