Then and now: children's drawings by the Gathering’s artists


Author: Anna Merkushina

30 June, 2023

As we wrap up our themed month in the magazine, dedicated to exploring how motherhood and fatherhood transform life and careers, we reflect on the diverse topics we've covered. We delved into the experiences of visiting museums with children and examined the challenges surrounding breastfeeding in museum spaces. We sought advice from a coach on making everything in time with children and provided separate recommendations for doing so with a child with special needs. We explored the qualities of being a good father and offered guidance on how to talk with children about contemporary art.

While a new theme awaits us in July, we conclude June with a delightful compilation of children's drawings by the artists of The Gathering.

This article is in Russian. Contact us via email or DM on Instagram if you would like to comment or request an English translation.

Работы Федоры Акимовой остались в Киеве — представляем рисунки ее сына


Author: Anna Merkushina

30 June, 2023